Amine BouroubaKhenchela Design

Macchiato caramel, coffee drink with an intense taste

Still, dreaming of that delicious flavor of Caramel Macchiato during your coffee breaks with friends at Starbucks? Well, I am showing you the typical recipe to enjoy at home, this exquisite coffee drink.

Macchiato caramel, a coffee drink with an intense taste

Coffee, one of the most popular drinks in France, became the protagonist of many sweet recipes, either in cakes or desserts with a spoon. Among the most famous, we can cite the classic tiramisu, the caramel macchiato, but also other preparations, such as the semifreddo, the Liège cream, the Irish Coffee, or even the café latte hit, and many other uses. Combined with milk, mascarpone, or Fromage blanc, it can become a cream and be included in every recipe, all it takes is a little imagination and creativity!

Coffee drinks are numerous, of different consistencies and preparations, but all equally good. However, you will have to choose a good ground coffee, balanced, 100% organic, and full of subtle aromas.
For my recipes containing coffee, I always use the Carte Noire brand. Why? Because it is the only firm in France to offer a completely organic range in mass distribution.

In addition, this brand of coffee offers several varieties with distinct intensity levels to suit all tastes. This characteristic will indeed allow you to diversify the flavors in your dessert without masking the flavor released by the other ingredients.

In my macchiato caramel recipe, I decided to use Carte Noire 100% arabica ground coffee, because for me it really is the benchmark when it comes to high-quality coffee.
Coffee lovers should strongly appreciate this very gourmet American coffee topped with cream to panic your taste buds.

This flavored coffee breaks down as follows:

  • A liquid texture with vanilla-flavored milk,
  • The second with a creamy coffee caramel mousse,
  • And the last very light and airy with the vanilla mascarpone mousse.

One thing is certain that when you have tasted this delicacy, you will quickly forget the cappuccino.

Ingredients :

  • 100 ml of coffee Black Card strong-bodied
  • 300 ml of milk
  • 50 gr of salted butter caramel sauce
  • 1 teaspoon of cornstarch
  • 2 tablespoons of vanilla
  • 2 good tablespoons of whipping cream

For the Mascarpone whipped cream

  • 150ml of cold whole liquid cream
  • 70 gr of mascarpone
  • 1/2 vanilla bean

For decoration

  • Caramel
  • Chocolate powder

Instructions :

  1. Prepare coffee with Carte Noire ground coffee in the coffeemaker.
  2. Bring the milk to a boil with the vanilla and add 50 ml of coffee and mix.
  3. In another bowl, whisk together the cold coffee with the cornstarch.
  4. Thicken over medium heat, stirring with a whisk. Film on contact and let cool.
  5. Whip the liquid cream with the mascarpone and set aside.
  6. Once cooled, add the teaspoon of caramel and add 2 tablespoons of whipped cream taken from the total.
  7. Mix gently to obtain a frothy texture.
  8. Pour this foam over the café au lait without mixing.
  9. Scent the remaining foam with vanilla and fill a pastry bag.
  10. With a fluted tip, fill the cup or container of your choice with whipped cream.
  11. Decorate with runny caramel.
  12. Sprinkle with cocoa powder and garnish with a coffee bean then drink through a straw.

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